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Concept of Free Water in Pakistan

For years now, clean and free drinking water has been a huge source of debate in a country like Pakistan. Many factors contribute to the issue including accelerating population growth, inadequate resources, and poor management. Unfortunately, the crisis majorly hits poverty-stricken areas. Either these parts of the country have limited access to clean drinking water or no access at all. The lack of something so basic breeds multiple problems including incurable health issues.

Importance of Offering Free Water in Pakistan

The only solution to the problem is to initiate a major drive to provide free water to these communities. Below are multiple reasons why providing free water is highly crucial in a developing country like Pakistan.

1. Diminishing Water-borne Diseases

Thousands of children and women die of water-borne ailments in Pakistan. The numbers are quite unfortunate and steps must be taken to curb the spread. The rural population in all provinces is at a high risk of becoming a victim of diseases like typhoid, hepatitis, cholera, etc. The problem is not only limited to catching water-borne diseases but also the absence of proper healthcare and awareness to tackle such illnesses. In a nutshell, the issues go much deeper and wreak havoc on those suffering.

 2. Poverty & Illiteracy

Undeniably, poverty and illiteracy rates are skyrocketing in Pakistan. This leads to a major lack of health awareness and the incapacity to secure good enough jobs for a healthy living. In such scenarios, relevant authorities and organizations need to step in and make arrangements for free water facilities in affected areas.

3. Natural Disasters

We all know how natural disasters especially flooding have impacted most of the rural areas in Sindh and Punjab in past. The monsoon season does more harm than good in these areas. Floods not only damage their properties but also take away the little access they have to clean drinking water. The chances of catching water-borne diseases go incredibly high. Therefore, it becomes quite necessary to provide the affected families with free water facilities timely.

4. Absence of Relevant Authorities

The country also consists of those areas that are naturally inaccessible, hence, they have very limited access to basic facilities. These areas also lack the presence of authorities who can take action against the issue. There’s a greater need to bring an impact in these societies. Unfortunately, some of the areas are not well-known so they have to have more attention.

Free Water in Pakistan

Luckily, many philanthropic organizations have now stepped up and fought for the cause by coming up with the concept of free water in Pakistan. Most of these platforms reach out to underprivileged communities in various parts of the country. is working on a similar concept but differently than other organizations. 

We collaborate with various brands that are willing to advertise their offerings or the brand itself on our water bottles. In simple words, the packaging of the water bottle is of the brand or company we are collaborating with. The whole concept is to make the overall idea of charity engaging. In every purchase, Rs. 5 is donated to the charities working towards the deadly water crisis across various parts of the country.  

Even though the concept is fairly new, the idea has gained quite a positive response since its launch. Needless to say, there is still a long way to go to create a buzz about this project. Slowly, with time and awareness among the citizens, such projects can escalate their impact. 

Ventures like these also play a major role in the CSR activities of those collaborating. Without a doubt, companies advertising with do gain a positive image in the minds of their audience. 

Apart from the image itself, it builds a trusting relationship with the employees as well. Such activities have become extremely crucial, especially in a third-world country like Pakistan where basic necessities have now become a luxury in many areas. Companies with the right resources must always be encouraged to step in and fight the crisis that has hit the country like the plague. 


With the right strategies and the right support, we can save the lives of many. However, the responsibility shouldn’t solely be on the state of the organization working towards the betterment of the affected population. As a nation, each individual should play their part even if small to help the cause. Adults should be responsible when it comes to water usage and avoid activities that may potentially give birth to water pollution. Children from privileged communities should be given awareness via their curriculum.

Collectively, we can make Pakistan a space free of water crises and cities full of healthy families.